Practitioner Course Syllabus
(Approved version: 2020)
Module 1
- Overview and aim of workshop
- Working with EMMETT Points
- Types of Applications
- The 7 As (subconscious triggers to healing)
- Draping / Table Dismount
- Principles of the Emmett Technique
- Psoas and Associated Muscles
- Psoas Assessment and Indications
- QL / 12th Rib (body rotation)
- Piriformis / TFL (piriformis and glutes)
- Iliacus / Oblique (pelvic floor and hips)
- Psoas / 12th Rib (psoas and hamstrings)
- Psoas Knee Up (psoas and lower back)
- Gastroc (calf issues and balance)
Module 2
- Review of Module 1
- Trapezius (shoulders and neck)
- Levator Scapula / 45 (shoulders and neck)
- Rhomboid 45 (neck)
- Rhomboid 90 (shoulders)
- Rhomboid 30 (arm and fingers)
- SCM (neck)
- AC / Biceps (shoulders)
Module 3
- Review of Modules 1 & 2
- Inguinal Psoas (psoas and lower back)
- Teres Minor (shoulder)
- Sacrum (sacrum)
- Forearm (grip, elbow and shoulder)
- Knee
- ITB Release (leg, hip and knee)
- ITB / Sartorius (knee)
- Foot Balance (balance)
- Diaphragm
- Rescue (stress, anxiety)
Module 4
- Review of Module 3
- Abdominal Release
- Pec Minor Release (shoulder)
- Scapula (rhomboids)
- Scapula Mid and Lower (scapulae)
- Latisimus Dorsi (back and shoulder)
- Biceps 2 Heads (biceps and shoulder)
- Triceps (triceps)
- Hamstrings (hamstrings and lower back)
- Lower Leg Release (soleus and achilles tendon)
- Knee Pain Release (knee)
Module 5
- Review of Module 4
- Jaw (jaw, eyes, ears)
- Chest / 45 (rotator cuff / shoulder)
- Scalenus / Pec Minor (shoulder and neck)
- Sinus / Chest Procedure (sinus congestion)
- Knee
- Ankle Release (ankle and foot)
- Quads (quads and knee)
- Sacral / TFL (glutes)
- Piriformis (piriformis)
Module 6
- Review of Module 5
- Rhomboid 45 X Inguinal Psoas (abdominal fascia)
- 12th Rib X Iliacus (abdominal fascia)
- Bladder
- Adductor (inner thigh)
- Foot Pain (foot and ankle)
- Neck (eyes, TMJ, neck, shoulder and arm)
- Bicep Belly (bicep)
- Sacral Notch (pelvis)
- Lymphatic Drainage Procedure
Review of Module 6 / Assessment
Client Clinic Day.
This last day provides a deeper understanding of Ross’s approach to structuring treatments. The feedback from students is that it is invaluable. It is the perfect link between the Module course (1-6) and the advanced EP 1 course.
Is this the course for me?
This course is suitable for all complementary therapists, medical professionals, sports or exercise instructors interested in expanding their therapeutic skills. These include:
- Massage therapists
- Chiropractors
- Physiotherapists
- Medical doctors
- Nurses
- Reflexologists
- Osteopaths
- Bowen therapists
- Kinesiologists
- Personal trainers
- Pilates instructors
- Yoga teachers
But don’t let that impressive list of professionals put you off because undergraduates and non-therapists are also welcome to attend. There are no pre-requisites and the instructors approach each class as if everyone has the same very basic knowledge, so it’s easy for everyone to keep up with the learning!
What will I learn?
You will learn how to apply the EMMETT Technique and how it was developed. You will learn to quickly and effectively assess the areas of tension in your client’s body and how to locate the appropriate EMMETT point requiring desensitisation. Participants typically comment on how much their anatomy knowledge and understanding deepens as they progress through the course. The following areas of the body are focused on as these are commonly presented by clients: core muscles, lower back, thoracic back, shoulders, neck, arms including grip, legs and feet including balance, and breathing, and less frequent symptoms such as deep seated abdominal and lower body dis-ease. You will also learn about the “Chameleon Approach” that makes EMMETT so powerful. This includes special language skills and how to apply anchors to promote positive outcomes. Read the full Syllabus.
How will I be assessed?
Students are supervised during practice sessions and extra assistance will be offered where required, so all students will become competent and confident with the moves. Each move will be revised at least once within the context of the training sessions. A written and practical assessment is offered at the final stage of training at Module 6 Review and a Certificate of Proficiency will be awarded when a pass is achieved. This qualifies the participant as an EMMETT Technique Practitioner. Assessment is optional. A Certificate of Attendance is provided where the student chooses not to be accessed. Although there is no stated number of case study hours required students are encouraged to record their experiences in a reflective-learning journal and ask questions which can be shared and raised at the following module.
Is there a requirement to attend EMMETT CPD?
Once a student has achieved EMMETT Technique Practitioner status, their basic business contact information is listed on this website as a Practitioner so the general public can search for a local practitioner. To remain listed on the website, the Practitioner is required to attend sixteen hours of EMMETT training in a two-year period, or eight hours of EMMETT Technique training per year, starting in the year after you qualified. The CPD hours are optional and are only required for continued website listing. Hours can’t be carried over from year to year. Any EMMETT course is valid for CPD hours, whether it’s new to you or a repeat course, animal or human.
The year runs from January to December. If your CPD requirements have not been fulfilled your listing will
be “unpublished” and you will no longer be searchable by the general public. The listing will be re-instated once CPD hours have been attended. The cost of the Extended Listing is not refundable.
Will I be able to use EMMETT with my current therapy?
Definitely, for sure, absolutely!!! Students are encouraged to incorporate the EMMETT Technique with their current skills and not “throw the baby out with the bath water”, thereby enhancing the value of their existing skills. One of the benefits of the EMMETT Technique is that it provides therapists with complete freedom to integrate the technique with what they know or, under certain circumstances, to use it exclusively.
How does it differ from the Bowen Technique?
Despite the similarities between Tom Bowen and Ross Emmett, the EMMETT Technique is NOT a Bowen Therapy nor a derivation of it. Developed long before Ross was introduced to Bowen Therapy, the EMMETT Technique is a unique form of body therapy. There is no skin slack; there are no prescribed procedures and only a few set sequences; instead therapists are encouraged to respond to the client moment by moment. The EMMETT Technique uses quick assessments, specific language and other anchors to encourage positive change. Overwhelming feedback from Bowen Therapists is that the EMMETT Technique has transformed their practice; in particular the speed with which they can effect change for their clients, dramatically improving their results and professional reputation.
Can I use the EMMETT training days as Continued Professional Development?
This will depend on which professional body you are a member of. Contact your own association and enquire whether you will be allowed to claim CPD. EMMETT Therapies UK is happy to help by providing them with information about the course for them to evaluate.
Currently we are aware that CPD points are awarded by the following associations:
- CThA
- FHT (5 points per day)
- Body Control Pilates (20)
- The Association of Reflexologists
- The General Chiropractic Council (8)
- BTPA (non Bowen CPD)
- Complementary Health Professionals (CHP)
- International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT)
Course Fees
All bookings are subject to a non-refundable element paid at the time of booking.
The full course cost is due four weeks before the course start date.
Each two-day Practitioner course MODULE is charged at GBP 350 or €400. The non-refundable element is GBP 50 or €60.
Each two-day Advanced Practitioner EP, Advanced Lymphatics and Pelvic Care is charged at GBP 370 or €420. The non-refundable element is GBP 50 or €60.
Students may repeat any individual Module or any individual day for half price.
Course dates and venues are subject to change. Please keep this in mind when booking transport and accommodation.
Refund and Cancellation Policy: Cancellations made up to 21 days prior to a workshop will receive a full refund (minus the non-refundable element). Cancellation fees will be calculated at 50% of the course fee if cancellations occur within 20 – 2 days (48 hours) of a workshop. No refund will be given for cancellations within 48 hours of a workshop.

I came to know the Emmett Technique almost by accident as an EMM-Tech day had been organised by my Body Control Pilates teacher. I had not researched it (unlike me) and on the day was ‘blown away’. When I looked up about the courses I found that Ross was still in the UK, I immediately signed up for Modules 1&2. I was not disappointed is an understatement! As a Chronic Pain Management Specialist Doctor I perform many, many injections, including acupuncture. Since learning Emmett I am using it with as many patients as I can, some with some acupuncture as well but several, at the moment with only Emmett, particularly with shoulder problems. The increased range of movement and the pain relief they achieve is amazing. I am so looking forward to the other modules.
Dr. Liz Garthwaite, Specialist in Chronic Pain Management and EMMETT Technique Practitioner.

I am a deep tissue massage therapist and am also qualified in other forms of massage, Reflexology, and Reiki. I came across the EMMETT Technique quite by accident. I was looking for an alternative treatment for my prolonged neck problem, as the usual treatments (various forms of massages, chiropractic, acupuncture) had no effect. It was while I was at one of these alternative appointments, the therapist used an EMMETT move that had an immediate effect and had worked where all else had failed. I was so impressed, I signed up for the start of the next course.
Lesley Wootten, Deep Tissue Massage Therapist and EMMETT Technique Practitioner.

The Emmett Technique is the most valuable ‘tool’ in my ‘tool box’! It works perfectly with my Pilates practice and I have been able to treat many of my clients with outstanding success. From stiff necks, painful shoulders, tight hamstrings, and poor balance – the list is endless, the treatment quick and painless and the results amazing. It is very rewarding to be able to offer such a service ‘on the spot’ and demonstrate how one can use the ‘moves on oneself’ as I do frequently! I am very much looking forward to completing my training.
Brigitte Tetlow, Body Control Pilates Instructor and EMMETT Technique student.

I’m still blown away with what I learned at the EMM-Tech course. (July 2012). This stuff is incredible. I’m implementing it into my own movement and correction assessment with mind-boggling results. I am finding that I am replacing my normal practice of foam rolling and PNF stretches with Emmett moves. It’s because I’m getting lightning results which enables me to progress quickly with positive body movement exercise. I am getting a lot of hands-on practice with my personal training clients and leaving them happy but confused. Comments like “that’s not supposed to happen so easily” or” it’s a mind trick” and “how the hell do you explain that” are comments received. I have tried the calf release and the foot balance technique with amazing feedback. And results. My clients are going crazy about it. This simple but effective system will be a fantastic tool for my training and business. I want to learn more. I can’t wait.
Chris Burford. Personal Trainer and EMMETT Technique Practitioner.
I have been using the Emmett Technique for 2 years now in my practice as a body therapist. I love the simplicity and practicality of it. It is so accessible and can be used to help people with many different issues. There is so much we can do quickly and effectively to help ease pain and ill health, and the Emmett Technique has become a key skill which I use every day. My clients now come requesting Emmett specifically as the message is spreading fast at how effective it is.
Cathy Vivian, Bowen Therapist, and EMMETT Technique Practitioner.
I see a lady for Personal training who has fibromyalgia and is in pain most of the time. Since I have introduced Emmett to her she can now have a pain free afternoon and evening. Most of her issues are in the upper body and so we have concentrated on the shoulder, neck and arms move with psoas to balance. The pain relief can often be instant, in some cases, the discomfort is radically reduced. It introduces a better quality of life and enables her to enjoy her activities more. As we work more the moves have more effect and her confidence (and smile) grows.
I also work with an elderly gentleman who has ataxia which affects his gait and balance. This greatly impacts his day to day activity and reduces his confidence to get around primarily for fear of falling. I have introduced Emmett foot balance, calf release and psoas to him. The results regarding balance have been amazing. He has gone from a wobble to standing on one leg! Imagine what that has done to his confidence. Admittedly he needs regular work and we do personal training together but we are both impressed with the results. He calls me his “witch” and in this context, I really don’t mind.
Wendy Hamilton, Body Control Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer and EMMETT Technique Practitioner & Instructor.

One of my patients had a persistent pain in the side of his leg that had resisted several attempts at treatment over a number of months – including painful deep tissue work along the iliotibial band. I tried the Emmett ITB move on him once and he reported an immediate change. The pain went away and has not returned.
David Hallam, McTimoney Chiropractor, and EMMETT Technique Practitioner.
The use of Emmett Therapy has hugely enhanced the outcome of my treatments of clients with MS, stroke and Parkinsons disease – particularly in the area of balance and core stability. I have recently been invited to be the physiotherapist for Tenbury Wells Amateur boxing club; Emmett Therapy allows me to treat the boxers in a gym environment without special equipment, plinths etc. Minor injuries can be resolved straight away without a need for a break in training. I have also treated my son who has experienced painful leg muscles for years as a result of toe walking. He no longer has pain and is able to play rugby and football with less risk of injury.
Liz Boland, Physiotherapist and EMMETT Technique Practitioner.

Ross Emmett’s Technique is the quickest most effective treatment out there. By incorporating it into my existing disciplines clients invariably have a positive change to their pain or discomfort within the first session, which quite often is all that is needed. Learning with Ross and his team has improved my assessment skills, shown the great importance of words in treatments and provided me with a system of working using precision, purpose, and meaning to bring about the fastest outcome for my clients. The Emmett Technique is also a fabulous stand-alone quick fix treatment that I use regularly in gyms to increase peoples range of movement or rid them of that training niggle.

The Emmett Technique is a valuable part of my everyday practice in treating patients. The general feedback I get from those who have experienced the technique is they feel they maintain a sense of well being for a longer period of time and some folks have been amazed by the deep effective changes that can be achieved from a relatively subtle application. In essence, they don’t require so many treatments and contrary to some beliefs, this is ‘good for business’. Thank you, Ross, for sharing your skills!!
Heather Lamacraft, McTimoney Chiropractor, Homeopath, NST Bowen therapist and EMMETT Technique Practitioner.
I have been a massage therapist for 12 years. Integrating the Emmett Technique using Ross’ theory, application methods with massage has created for me a treatment that transcends anything else I have ever done. What amazing results! Both fit each other like a hand to a glove feeling completely natural and effortless. Muscles at full length and fully relaxed using massage can now be recharged by using the most gentle of pressure. The Emmett Technique has changed the way I think, feel and touch. The response and results from my clients are truly amazing and of all the treatments I use, the Emmett Technique excites me the most.
Ben Pianese, Sports Massage Therapist and EMMETT Technique Practitioner .EP1 - EP6 Workshops
Additional EMMETT Technique training is offered to those who have achieved EMMETT Practitioner status. These “advanced” workshops really take the EMMETT Technique to a whole new level. The releases taught are the developments Ross has made since first putting together the Modular course.
There are 6 levels of EMMETT Professional (EP) training: EP1 – EP6. EP’s are generally scheduled with an interval of 2 – 4 months. At EP6 a written and practical assessment is offered and a Certificate of Proficiency awarded when a pass is achieved. This qualifies the participant as an Advanced EMMETT Technique Practitioner.
Assessment is optional. A Certificate of Attendance is provided where the participant is not assessed. EP workshops are attended in numerical order.
Advanced Lymphatics Workshop
This 2 day course aims to give a more focused approach to the Lymphatic drainage sequence as it has a major influence on the functioning of all body systems including the nervous, muscular, lymphatic, digestive and immune systems. Prerequisite is EP1.
Pelvic Care
This 2 day course teaches and describes corrections to assist pelvic problems with special issues. The course provides therapists with an understanding of the special needs of men and women of all ages and of possible assistance they may be able to provide within the scope of the Emmett Technique. Prerequisite is EP3. Read more....
EMMETT Practitioner Days
The Practitioner days are two courses that are carefully crafted to include most of the moves from Modules 1-6 over two separate days and split between the upper body and lower body.
These course days cost £175 per day
Prerequisite: Module 6 review
The EMMETT Technique Practitioner training is designed for qualified medical professionals and complementary therapists interested in extending their skills. All practitioners are encouraged to enhance their existing practice by integrating the EMMETT Technique with their prior training. Exercise specialists such as Pilates instructors, yoga teachers and personal trainers and coaches are also very attracted to this course. Undergraduates and non-therapists are also welcome to attend as there are no pre-requisites.
The course is divided into two-day learning blocks, called Modules, with 6 Modules in total across 12 days. Material covered in the previous Module is reviewed before new work is covered. This ensures that all participants are up to date and ready to learn new material. Modules 1&2 are one day each in duration and always taught as a two-day block. The total course therefore consists of 12 days.
This course is accredited by the Complementary Health Professionals (CHP).
Modular Course Structure
- Modules 1 & 2. First day Module 1, second day Module 2.
- Module 3. First day review of Mods 1&2, second day new Module 3 work.
- Module 4. First day review of Module 3, second day new Module 4 work.
- Module 5. First day review of Module 4, second day new Module 5 work.
- Module 6. First day review of Module 5, second day new Module 6 work.
- Module 6 Review / Assessment. (Day 1). At Module 6 Review, a written & practical assessment will be offered and a Certificate of Proficiency will be awarded when a pass is achieved. This qualifies the participant as an EMMETT Technique Practitioner. Assessment is optional. A Certificate of Attendance is provided where the participant is not assessed.
- Client Clinic Day (Day 2)
“I can’t wait” is the typical response from students when the instructors send out email reminders about the next module!
The modules are generally offered in the same location 8 – 12 weeks apart to allow participants to gain real experience with the technique between workshops. Therefore it is usually possible to complete the full course within 12 months. The course can be completed sooner if the participant is willing to travel between venues.
Want to know more? Check out the FAQ section on this page.
Watch a short seminar with Ross Emmett demonstrating some of the moves that are taught in the Practitioner course.